smack throw NoSuchElementException if the muc#roominfo_subject has no values
is related to

Robin Collier December 21, 2011 at 3:00 PM
Added modified version of patch. The patch returned "n/a" instead of "", which was what was being returned before. This has the potential for breaking existing code since any check for an empty string would fail.

Tim Jentz December 19, 2011 at 1:21 PM
Since i think the description field could cause the same problem like the subject field, i updated the patch to check the description values too.

Tim Jentz December 15, 2011 at 4:19 PM
This patch should solve this problem by checking if the subject has any values.
I reviewed this issue for Spark-1462 and it seems that its an error related to smack.
If the subject is for that I reviewed this issue for Spark and it seems that its an error related to smack.
Smack checks if there is a muc#roominfo_subject element but not, if that element has any values.
This can cause NoSuchElementException in